houston family lawyer

Divorce can be one of the most stressful and emotional experiences anyone will ever endure. On top of the heartbreak, it’s often expensive and confusing, particularly if you haven’t gone through this process before. So, it’s essential to have an experienced attorney by your side, not only to ensure that your rights and interests are protected but also to make sure you don’t make any costly mistakes along the way. These common mistakes made during a divorce, compiled by a Houston family lawyer, can help you avoid costly errors that will only make the process more difficult and expensive.

Mistake #1: Letting emotions take over

The first mistake couples make when deciding on their course of action is letting emotions take over. When someone’s heart is broken, they can often become so overwhelmed with feelings of anger, hurt and betrayal that they forget what’s best for them, their kids and their marriage. A Houston family lawyer who specializes in high-conflict divorces will be able to help you steer clear of these pitfalls and keep your thoughts level-headed when making decisions about dividing assets, child custody and alimony.

Mistake #2: Choosing an inappropriate attorney

I cannot stress enough how important it is that you hire an attorney who is well-versed in your state’s laws. The legalities of every state are different, and you don’t want to find yourself in a situation where an opposing attorney was aware of loopholes or amendments that you weren’t.

houston family lawyer

Mistake #3: Not knowing what you’re entitled to

Asking for alimony or spousal support is not easy, and it’s often uncomfortable. Despite that, you need to know what you’re entitled to before you sit down across from your spouse and finalize everything. Before meeting with your spouse, consult an attorney about what he or she thinks is fair.

Mistake #4: Not considering children involved in the process

Parents often forget that their children are also going through a divorce. They should remember that these kids, who often already have deep-seated relationships with both parents, will be involved in some capacity.

Mistake #5: Not getting an appropriate prenuptial agreement

While most people think about prenuptial agreements when getting married, you should also consider discussing one with your partner if you are already living together. That is because even if you’ve been living together for years and have never discussed marriage, your partner could possibly still make claim on some of your marital assets if there was no prenuptial agreement in place.