There are quite a few career paths that you can end up taking, but there is a pretty good chance that you would first need to find a field that you can specialize in. The truth of the situation is that once you have gotten your doctorate in this field, you will have acquired the absolute pinnacle of knowledge in this regard. This is because of the fact that doctorates require rigorous research, and once you complete them you can enter academia by becoming a college professor that actually teaches the subject and can consider himself or herself as an authority in the field.
Becoming a professor is just the first step, though. You need to work even harder so that you can attain tenure, and the fact of the matter is that when you get tenure you would basically be guaranteed a job for the rest of your life. These are really high paying jobs, so you should book limousine service Knoxville TN if you manage to get tenure. This is a position that you will have to fight for tooth and nail, and since it will secure such a huge amount of income for you there is no reason why you should avoid spending this income on something that can bring you some small amount of joy.
Getting tenure will ensure that you have a great deal of respect within the academic discipline that you have chosen to specialize in. This is something that only a small minority of professors get to enjoy, so you should take the opportunity to celebrate in a limo while you still can. Your success means that you will be able to enjoy yourself a lot more in the future.